As-Built Surveys For Adoption

Specialists in the production of as-built surveys for adoption purposes. We are knowledgeable about the different agreements required for the adoption of new build highways and sewers. Our experience working with various councils and water authorities enables us to prepare surveys to meet their specific requirements.

We try to assist developers in getting their infrastructure adopted and often converse directly with the adopting authority to make the necessary amendments. Our post-survey service means that remedial works can be added to the survey at minimal cost.

As-built survey drawings previously produced: Section 38, Section 278, Section 104, Section 185, POS Land Transfer Plans, Conveyance Plans

Leica Robotic Total Stations & GPS Rovers – All surveys related to OS grid and datum.

Surveys are produced using LSS digital terrain modelling software and final drawings are issued as CAD files and PDF sheets. We take pride in the presentation of our survey data and our drawings are always detailed, clear and accurate.

Please get in touch with your survey requirements, we look forward to working with you.

Example POS land transfer plan by BM Land Surveys

Example POS land transfer plan drawing by BM Land Surveys   

Example S104 as-built survey drawing by BM Land Surveys

Example S104 as-built survey drawing by BM Land Surveys

As-built survey example

Example S38 as-built survey drawing by BM Land Surveys

Example as-built survey drawing by BM Land Surveys

Example S38 as-built survey drawing by BM Land Surveys